Chicago Oscar-Winning Designer Borris Powell to Debuts His New Collection To Be In Love
Happy August and Happy Black Business Month. This month we’re shinning the spotlight on Oscar Winning Designer Borris Powell. If you don’t know who he is by now, allow us to introduce you to the passionate designer whose love for fashion will shine through his new collection entitled “ To Be in Love” debuting on Saturday August 21st, 2021.
About Borris Powell
The Alabama born designer first learned to sew in a class at Jo-ann Fabrics and after that the rest is all fashion for him. In 2011, Powell won the Oscar Designer Challenge with his “black swan” evening gown. Today, Powell continues to design breathtaking Oscar-like garments from his design store located at 1633 N. Hamlin Ave Suite 201 Chicago, IL 60647.
Borris Powell Designs is truly a luxury men’s and women’s an apparel & accessories brand. Borris’s designs depict classic hues and fun textures that help to accent his client’s best features. Now celebrating over 10 years as a fabulous designer, we caught up with the designer to capture his thoughts about his experience over the years and what we can expect to see from his new fashion collection “ To Be In Love”
The Interview
BFW: How does it feel to be celebrating 10 yrs as an independent fashion designer since launch your brand?
Borris: It’s pretty indescribable to be honest. It’s hard to think that I’ve come this far on my own. I often think to myself, “Where did the time go?” I find the time to tell myself well done. But not near enough. lol
BFW: What are some of your best memories over the last 10 yrs as a fashion designer in Chicago?
Borris: Some of the best memories over the last 10 years? Wow. Where do I start? I guess everyone would expect me to say Winning the Oscar’s Design Challenge. But there’s just so many. Showing a collection in London. Showing in New York Opening up an official store. And simply just dressing clients that turn into friends.
BFW: What is the meaning and inspiration behind your upcoming fashion show collection?“ To be in love”?
Borris: My next show is called “To bE iN LoVe” It celebrates me as an artist by focusing on the things that have created me to be the artist that I am today.
Anything artistic that I’ve done in the past is a direct reflection of how this collection has come to be. There’s a huge Music and Dance element to this show.
BFW: What lasting impression as a designer do you want to leave for your customers or in the world of fashion for your contributions to the industry? I
Borris: I want people to love and let themselves be loved. This has always and will always be my mission. Beauty is simple. Dress in a way that will bring every eye that you pass a smile to his, our, her face. Thank you. And remember, bE iN LoVe.
To purchase “Be in Love” Fashion show tickets where you can view the designer’s highly anticipated new collection straight off the runway visit https://borrispowell.com/collections/fashion-show-tickets/Tickets+Fashion-show
Borris Powell
633 N. Hamlin Ave Suite 201 Chicago, IL 60647