Luv That Scrub Joins Black Fashion Week as a Raffle Bag Sponsor

Georgeina  Driver is  the creator of Luv That Scrub! She is a dedicated wife, mother and entrepreneur. She’s been in business for more than 24 years, and Luv that Scrub is her second, newest, and most exciting venture.

Georgeina has been using oils and herbs for most of her life. As a child her mother often used home remedies on her skin because it was so dry and dehydrated. As far back as she can remember my family has always used homemade natural products. Recently, She have turned over a new leaf and started incorporating my family’s tradition back in my life .

Georgenia was inspired to start her business in January2001. She was in an accident and broke her ankle. At that time the doctor told her that she may never walk again, or if she did she will walk with a limp. It took more than six months for her body to heal and physical therapy to learn how to walk again. During that time, She used her family’s home remedies to help her road of recovery. Once her cast was removed, She used different oils to heal her skin and they worked wonders.  She knew that she was on to something.  She had been using oils ever my skin care, hair care, and body care needs.  She used essential oils to create Luv That Scrub Handcrafted Skin Care Products..


The company has evolved since its start and is devoted to creating the highest quality of All Natural and Organic Skin Care Products.

Our main goal at Luv That Scrub is an uncomplicated one:  provide customers with the finest botanical ingredients straight from the earth perfect for all skin types. Completely handmade and focus on radiant beautiful and healthy skin.

To learn more, visit and follow along on

Instagram @luvthatscrub, Facebook @luvthatscrub, we welcome email at [email protected]